Group Rides
Group Rides 2025
Every Saturday
Until then, check out the Event Calendar further down the page for impromptu rides and other great events!
Every ride will start and end at the Rats Cycles shop.
The shop will be open to group riders for bathroom breaks, refueling, rehydrating, and quick repairs.
Starbucks is next door for professional coffee.
The 4 main takeaways are:
Group Rides will be held EVERY SATURDAY from March thru October
GRAVEL and ROAD routes are available every weekend
Groups leave the shop at 7:30am
Further down you will find the routes, maps, and FAQs.
Other fun routes linked below the FAQs.
While you no longer have to register to ride, you MUST sign the liability waiver.
Events Calendar
Rats sponsored and managed events are marked with an RC in the title.
Other events are also listed that we feel would suit the interests of our customers.
<<<<<< Liability Waiver >>>>>>
You MUST review and sign the liability waiver before participating in any Rats Cycles Group Ride or Event.
We have 4 great routes this year.
We have 3 road routes for our groups whom we are calling R.A.G.E, RAGEish, and RAGE-lite. R.A.G.E. = Rats Adrenaline Group Excursioners. The route is the same across the 3 groups, but the length and elevation climb vary.
The 4th option is a gravel route for our R.O.A.R. group. R.O.A.R. = Rats Outdoor Adventure Riders. This route is perfect for those who seek adventure, mud, and nature.
25 Mile Road
Zippy little route along the Fairfax County Parkway path and Ox Road path. This route adds some miles and an extra 200ft elevation climb at the Occoquan Regional Park.
Download Route
21 Mile Road
Jaunty little route along the Fairfax County Parkway path and Ox Road path. This route trims off the extra 200ft elevation climb at the Occoquan Regional Park.
Download Route
15 Mile Gravel
Gravely, dirty, and potentially muddy, this little route will have you more in touch with nature. Full-sus MTBs are not recommended.
Download Route
13 Mile Road - Self-Directed
Here's a great go at your own pace route. It follows the start and end of the road routes, but cuts off loops for extra miles and a long down and back to the Occoquan.
Download Route
Where to meet?
All rides will start and end at the shop.
When are the rides?
We will have rides every weekend starting March 9th and ending in November. All rides will begin at 7:30am.
What routes are available?
R.O.A.R. - Rats Outdoor Adventure Riders, aka Gravel Riders
Our newly minted ROAR group will be riding about 16 miles on a mixture of payment, packed dirt, rocks, and roots traversing South Run to Burke Lake. As the season progresses, and Burke Lake becomes too busy, we may switch up the route. Suggestions and local area expertise are welcome! You can download the route from Strava here.
R.A.G.E. - Rats Adrenaline Group Excursioners
Excursioners may not be a word, but you get the idea. This group will vary the mileage ridden according to individual abilities, but will ride the same general route. This is identical to how we handled the Museum rides, where each group only went as far as they felt comfortable. Nearly 90% of the route is on bike paths, and the sections that aren't are on neighborhood streets.
The full route is 25 miles and includes the fun drop down through the Occoquan Regional Park and 200 ft climb back up right at the 2/3 point of the ride. Download the route from Strava here.
This route is 21 miles and turns around at the Workhouse Arts Center, effectively cutting off the drop to and climb from the Occoquan. Download the route from Strava here.
This route is going to be self-directed until we can find someone who steps up to lead it. More on group leaders below. This route is a gentle 12 mile loop. The only troublesome part is weaving from Ox to South Run Rec Center, so please review the route before you go. After you do it once, it will feel second nature. Download the route from Strava here.
What kind of bike do I need?
Any bike will work, however, we do not recommend full-suspension MTBs for the gravel route, as you may find the sag and gearing a little slow for the actual conditions. That's just a recommendation. You do you!
For all other routes, anything goes. Only you know your level of fitness and abilities, and now that you know the routes, plan accordingly.
I'm new to riding. Is this group ride thing for me?
Absolutely!! Riding alone is EXTREMELY BORING! Group rides are a great way to meet wonderful people, push yourself more than if you were alone, and is great fun!
Will there be ride leaders?
Yes! Initially, we will have dedicated leaders for the gravel route and full road route. We'd like to add leaders to the other 2 routes. More on that below.
What do I have to do to participate?
Simple, show up! No more registering.
You do have to sign the liability waiver once per year to participate. Jump to that waiver here.
Will you be holding the rides from the Museum of the Army?
Unfortunately, no. We love that route, but we decided to go this direction because we could hold rides more often, provide access to the shop for its restrooms, refreshments, and parts and tools.
Will you be emailing reminders every week?
No. We will only update our facebook and instagram each week. Otherwise, please check this page for updates.
How do I sign the liability waiver, again?
You said something about needing group ride leaders?
Yes! If you lead a group ride 5 times in one year, after the 5th time you'll be eligible to receive the following until Dec 31, 2024:
- 20% off labor rates
- Cost +20% on all products and special orders. Shipping rates may apply.
- A Rats Cycles tee shirt
To become a group leader you will need to register here for each ride that you lead. Once we verify your name is on the list 5 times and that you conducted the ride, then you'll have access to these benefits. If there are more leaders than are needed for a given weekend, then priority is given to the Rats Cycles' employees, then whomever registers first until all 4 slots are filled.
Alternative Routes
The routes below are great fun and can add miles or scenery that differ from those used for the group ride.
24mi Road from Museum
The OG of Rats' Saturday Rides. Leaves the Museum of the US Army and turns around at the water in Mason Neck Park. Beautiful and scenic.
Download Route
25mi Alt Road
Leaves the shop and returns through Crosspointe neighborhood to add a few miles.
Download Route
35 Mile Gravel
A long mixed material grinder. Lots of turns, but great scenery and challenging terrain. A true gravel or road bike with 32s is recommended.
Download Route
24mi Gravel from Museum
Mixed terrain and hills take you past lakes Mercer and Burke leaving and returning to the Museum of the US Army.
Download Route